Twenty Hebrew covers of English songs that are available on iTunes

There are only a limited number of English songs that have been covered in Hebrew. Many of these can be found on YouTube, but a smaller number are available on iTunes if you are willing to poke around and figure out what transliteration they decided to use for each performer and song.

These cover songs can be useful for English-speakers, since learners can identify with the melodies already and may feel motivated in their studies to hear the occasional familiar tune. Sometimes it is easier to understand and pick up on the Hebrew if you are familiar with the lyrics too. Many of the cover songs are classics from “oldie” artists like the Beatles or Simon and Garfunkel, although occasionally you can find more recent ones.

I have used the spelling found on iTunes so the songs are easier to find, which may be incomplete or incorrect—but just search for them as I have written them in this list. I have only presented some of the better-known songs. I use the word “cover” freely, since the list below includes some Hebrew cover songs that carry both the same melody and a close translation, and others that just borrow the melody of the original song:

1. Ladod Moshe by Chava Alberstein, on the album 100 Shirim Rishonim, Pt. 1

  • Cover of “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” by Traditional

2. Sinderela (Bus Stop) by Rock 4, on the album Reshet Parparim

  • Cover of “Bus Stop” by The Hollies

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